للتحكم بواجهة الجوال واغلاق لوحة المفاتيح .. Smart.Settings.v1.0
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AdMeN Admin
عدد الرسائل : 111 العمر : 29 تاريخ التسجيل : 16/06/2008
موضوع: للتحكم بواجهة الجوال واغلاق لوحة المفاتيح .. Smart.Settings.v1.0 السبت يونيو 21, 2008 3:16 am
برنامج مميز للتحكم في واجهة الجوال.. حيث يمكنك وضع البرامج المفضله وعرضها بقائمه جميله والوصول اليها بضغطه واحده , وكذلك اغلاق لوحة المفاتيح واغلاق الرسائل والوصول السهل للتطبيقات والمزيد مع هذا البرنامج الرائع ..
Smart Settings is designed to protect your phone and make its appearance unique. It combines the possibility to lock the keyboard, prevent from using the phone's 10 digits Master Code in case of lost, customize lock messages and access easily the most common applications (by exactly 2 keystrokes). Unique features: Start Menu: It provides a way to customize your phone so that it looks in your own unique way. You can use these set of features for quick access of the your favourite applications. For them you can chose speed keys (1-9). After, these applications will be accessible by the Left Selection Key + Their Speed Key. Easy Unlock: Forget the boring Unlock + * and choose the most convenient unlock combination for yourself, your phone was never that cool Security: You can disable the Master Security Code, so no one can unlock your phone in just a few seconds. register with any 5 numbers